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Showing posts from June, 2020

Shiny Bits In Between Buy Now!

Available on Amazon Worldwide: Buy Now  or  Preview Signed author copy available directly from me ($20 plus $5 shipping & handling). Support indie publishers by buying directly from Balance of Seven Press: Shiny Bits in Between Paperback     or   Shiny Bits In Between Ebook Support indie bookstores by buying local (anywhere books are sold)

Early reviews are here!

Celebrate with me at my shiny bits book launch Friday June 26 from 7 to 9 pm!

To win giveaways on launch night, subscribe to my website, follow my author Facebook page at Shiny Bits In Between  and my  Instagram  for updates and clues to trivia questions--see you soon!

Ocean Passage

TELL(h)ER Honored to have my poem,  Ocean Passage , published in the Pivot & Pause anthology. Excerpt: Photo by Jean Pencill