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Guess What?!

Is this entry book-related? Yes, sort of. But most importantly, it's a life-changing moment for me. I've finally achieved a decades-long dream of moving back to the UK! 

Those of you who follow me on social media will have seen posts about my new adventures in bonnie Scotland where we recently bought an historic 1832 stone schoolhouse. It's on the edge of the Cairngorms in a remote part of the highlands, and I sit outside my house each day staring at the braes in awe of their stunning beauty.

This is the place my family are from. My grandfather was an Anderson and had that soft Scots burr that I find so beautiful. Mum went to boarding school here while her parents worked in Brasil, and she still has a visceral love of Scotland (bagpipes make her cry). She always shared stories of her life which I believe imprinted that love of Scotland onto me over the years.

When I spent time here two summers ago, I was walking along Rosemarkie beach and turned a corner to a sight that bought tears to my eyes--endless green hills dotted with purple heather under a gossamer gray sky. That's when I knew this was my place. So I made my dream come true and bought a house here. I still pinch myself!

If you don't do social media and want to follow my adventures in Bonnie Scotland, subscribe to this website for my latest shenanigans. I'll be sharing this remarkable landscape, jam-making from fruits at the bottom of my garden, experiments with dyeing wool from local plants I harvest (and hopefully grow next summer), renovations to my old house, working on my garden as the seasons change, and so much more!

And on a writing-related note, I'm currently working on my third novel, which is set in the UK...

Hope to see you again soon,
g xo


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